Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises




Do you experience?

Chronic Pain / Tendency to illness

Stress / Burn Out

Anxiety / Fear

Sleep Difficulties

Anger / Frustration / Irritability

Digestive Problems

Back Pain

Tiredness / Poor Concentration

Muscle Tension

PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Depression / Sadness

Substance abuse (food, alcohol, drugs, etc)

Do you think you have tried everything? Why not try something you’ve never tried before!

TRE® is a revolution in stress release, trauma recovery
and PTSD prevention.

TRE® helps you move from recovery to resilience and optimal performance.
It also helps support your recovery from STRESS & TRAUMA!


STRESS is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand. There are two kinds of stress: Positive Stress (eustress) from pleasant experiences which motivates and energises us and Negative Stress (distress) from unpleasant experiences where we struggle to cope with the demands placed on us and leaving us feeling demotivated and drained.

TRAUMA is defined as a shocking or stressful event that is overwhelming and which occurs in a state of helplessness. It is the state of helplessness – the absence of control that is traumatic. Examples of traumatic situations are ongoing chronic stress, loss/death, divorce, domestic & other violence, bullying, a car accident, hijacking, sexual abuse, experiencing others’ trauma, physical injury, and natural disasters.


Every stressful and traumatic experience affects your body in some way. The effects of this show up in the body in the form of signs and symptoms such as muscle tension patterns, pain, chronic diseases, or depression. The body is an accurate history book of your experiences in life; thus, healing from stress and trauma begins in the body.

To return the body back to its natural calm and relaxed state it is essential to release the stress chemicals that have accumulated in your body over time.

TRE® (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) serves just this purpose!


What is TRE®?

Developed by Dr. David Berceli, TRE® is a simple, self-healing technique that deliberately activates our bodies’ instinctive neurogenic tremor mechanism in a safe and controlled way. Once activated these tremors help to release the build up of stress and tension that accumulate in our body from stressful and traumatic life experiences.

These Neurogenic tremors (shaking) occur naturally in life when our nervous system is over-activated. These tremors are the bodies’ natural way of bringing the nervous system back into calm and a balanced state after stressful and traumatic events. However, as humans we tend to suppress this response as we don’t want to be perceived as “weak” although it is part of our body’s natural self-healing capacity and thus available to everyone.

EVERYONE – this includes adults and children!!

Whether you are a parent or spouse who would like more patience with your family, a victim of violence or accident, a soldier, policeman, mother suffering from PTSD, or simply a person who wants to become more resilient and feel better about life, you can benefit from TRE®. It can help release emotions ranging from mild upset to sever anxiety no matter the cause.

Reported Benefits Include:

Greater Calmness & Less Anxiety

Reduced symptoms of PTSD

Reduce muscle tension & back pain

More energy & Endurance

Improved quality of sleep

Improved emotional resilience

Supports healing of old injuries

Improvement of chronic medical conditions

Healthier happier you, relationships, and the will to live a full life

qualified TRE® Practitioner

I can help you!

I am a qualified TRE® Practitioner based in Tzaneen, Limpopo Province. Having personally experienced the benefits of TRE® in my life and observed the positive changes in the lives of many of my clients, I have a deep passion to help and empower you on your journey towards health and wellness.

I invite you to book a FREE introduction session with me, where we will discuss your needs / goals and how TRE® can benefit you. This session is held via WhatsApp Call, Zoom Online or In-Person.  

TRE Traume Release Exercises in Tzaneen

View this video for a quick summary