Arm Balance & Inversions EBook

I know you have landed here and interested in buying this e-book because you want to learn to fly…

Well look no further this e-book is the perfect leap into just that, learning to fly – meaning learning more about Arm Balances and Inversions and how to be happy being upside down.

This e-book is the first step to you being brave and facing your fears of balancing and or being upside down, it is a way to shift your perspective and ignite a joy that lies within to take flight and to feel free.

If I had to choose my own personal favourite area within my Yoga Asana (Pose) practice Arm Balances & Inversions are IT! I have always been intrigued and excited about balancing and being upside down and just love exploring, practicing and pushing my own personal boundaries, and now you have the opportunity to do it with me.

This 26 page e-book contains information on:

  • What Arm Balances & Inversions are
  • The 3 MAIN SECRETS you need to know to master your arm balance & Inversion practice
  • The benefits of incorporating them into your practice
  • Setting the right intentions
  • What props to use
  • Some awesome tips and breathing techniques
  • Pose photo references
  • Space for you to journal your journey



More Information

Although e-book is self-paced and for personal use in the comfort of your own home or wherever you may find yourself in this beautiful world, you have access to reach out and connect with me for any questions you may have or to perhaps arrange an online or in-person private tailored session. Add to cart and your e-book is easily downloadable in a .pdf format which can be saved to your device, laptop, computer or printed to take along with you wherever you go.

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