On the 21st June 2024 it is International Yoga Day and yoga practitioners & yoga students worldwide embark on a month of celebrating all things Yoga and how it has a profound impact on each of our lives. Traditionally this is celebrated through various forms of yoga offerings (yoga classes, meditations, breathwork, devotion through song and mantra) to name a few. One of my and many other yoga practitioners’ favourite ways of celebrating is through the traditional expression of gratitude and devotion to the practice by doing 108 Sun Salutations.
Now, now…. Take a deep breath! What seems completely out of reach and impossible to do as your thoughts take you on a rollercoaster ride, you need not fear or worry as we will together as Ananda Wellness Yoga Family prepare ourselves and be ready to complete this incredible challenge to celebrating yoga & celebrating life, cumulating a tally of 108 sun salutations and the most important part to remember is that this empowering practice and celebration aren’t just a series of poses, stretches and bends; it’s a gateway to discover the incredible synergy of mind, body, and spirit!
“Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame.”
– B.K.S Iyengar
Of all the numbers used to explain how the universe works, 108 appears in countless different interpretations and contexts, from mathematics and astronomy to religious rites, spiritual practices, and even medicine and architecture. It is probably the number that holds the most significance for yoga and meditation practitioners. So, why is the number 108 so special?
In the context of yoga practice:
1 is said to represent the focus on one thing and the verticality of breath as it flows through the body.
0 is for having zero senses and preconceptions when stepping on your mat.
8 stands for uniting with the flow of infinity.
In the Vedic age, the era in which the most ancient Hindu scriptures were composed, renowned mathematicians regarded 108 as the number that symbolises the wholeness of existence and the universe. It is a so-called Harshad (which in Sanskrit means “joy-giving”) number, an integer divisible by the sum of its digits. The number 108 is connected to much more:
In astronomy, the number 108 intriguingly connects the sun, moon, and earth: the diameter of the sun is 108 times that of the earth, and the distance between sun and earth is approximately 108 times the diameter of the sun. Similarly, the diameter of the moon multiplied by 108 equals the distance between earth and moon.
A five-pointed star (which is a common symbol for human being) has exactly 108 degrees between any two adjacent points, and a pentagon in its center with interior angles of 108° as well.
It is said that there are 108 energy lines (nadis) converging to form the heart chakra. In Ayurveda there are 108 sacred intersection points (marmas) that hold the vital energy in the body.
In Hinduism, there are 108 early Upanishads that make up the theoretical basis for the religion. Hinduists knows 108 names for female deities, 108 forms of Indian dance, 108 types of meditation, 108 sacred sites (pithas) throughout India, 108 steps that lead up to most temples, and 108 alleged stages the soul has to pass through until it can reach enlightenment. Legends even tell of Indian Sadhuswho could reach such deep states of meditation that they required only 108 breaths a day.
The Sanskrit alphabet has 54 letters, each with a masculine and feminine form called shiva and shakti respectively, making a total of 108 letters.
Tibetan mala beads, or prayer beads, are used to count mantra repetition in meditation and chanting, number 108, as do the number of beads on a Catholic rosary and the number of knots on a Sikh mala.
Why do we practice the Sun Salutation Sequence?
Sun Salutation, or Surya Namaskar, is a way of showing gratitude for our lives, and all that we are blessed with. Namaskar means “to bow to” or “to adore”, in this case, the sun. The sun is the very source that gives all living things life. When we rise up to Mountain Pose (Tadasana), we honour the sun, the heavens, the universe, the unlimited space and opportunity that is above us. When we bow down to a forward fold (Uttanasana), we honour the earth, our stability, our home.
The Sun Salutation sequence is designed to create “tapas” or inner heat that cleanses the body. And the “mandala” or circular pattern of the poses brings us into a state of focused moving meditation. The inner heat and focused moving meditation enable us to peel away unnecessary layers of thought, emotions, or physical baggage. As we let go of these layers, we allow our full potential and highest ideals to emerge.
In Sun Salutations, your breath is your guide that links one pose to the next. Breath takes you in and out of each pose. When we practice Surya Namaskar with focus on breath, we are able to use our exhale to let go, releasing those things that no longer serve us; and then inhale new ways of being that will nurture us.
Sun Salutations have been described as the most complete mental and physical exercise available. The 12 yoga poses within a Sun Salutation can help strengthen various muscle groups, while also helping you focus on your breathing and improve your circulation. Even if you do not have time to work out on a regular basis, performing Sun Salutations every day will bring vitality and aliveness into your life. Using your arms, legs, and core strength, Sun Salutations can help make a difference in your health and wellbeing. From standing poses that open up your chest to poses such as the mountain pose and cobra pose, this series of yoga poses will stretch your hamstrings, build core strength, lift your chest to enhance your breathing, and more.
108 Sun Salutations & the Winter Solstice – How to get the most out of this special practice?
Traditionally, practicing 108 Sun Salutations is also reserved for the change of the seasons Winter and Summer Solstice, Fall and Spring Equinox and the upcoming Winter Solstice is the marking point halfway through the year. This is an opportunity to examine what you have learned in the last six months, then consider what you might like to achieve in the next half of the year.
To prepare for the beautiful and meditative practice of 108 sun salutations, ask yourself:
What am I nurturing that really matters to me, where am I growing?
During 108 Sun Salutations, you will at some point think, “Why did I commit to doing this?” If you keep going, you will find a state of ease and even a sense of flow. You will surrender to the process, acknowledge what arises emotionally, and then let it go. When you finish, you will feel lighter and find your own personal meaning in this ancient ritual.
As you take on this challenge of 108 Sun Salutations here are a few things to consider that will allow you to be more successful.
- Set and intention, mantra, resolution and focus on that and your breath as you flow through your salutations.
- If you are newer to this practice, modify your Sun Salutations to either half salutes or move slower.
- Set up a counting method. Traditionally, 10 beads or seeds are used at the top of the mat, and each time a round has been completed that bead is moved from one side of the mat to the other to keep track of the rounds completed.
- Allow yourself to break up the 108 Sun Salutations throughout your day, 10, 20 or 50 at a time, but be sure to focus on your intention and breath each time you step back on your mat to continue this sacred practice.
- Enjoy the physical and mental challenge for all it holds for you.
Remember – the goal is 108, but always listen to your body. Whether you finish 18, 80, or 108, it is the intent that counts. Make yoga a heart-centred practice, not an ego-based one. And if you need to take a long child’s pose, take one, do what works for you!
Together we will find a state of ease in surrendering to the flow, letting every moment come and go, inhaling and exhaling. Acknowledge what arises emotionally and then let it go. Once we get into a rhythm, our mental chatter will decrease as our awareness turns inward. This is why it is called a moving meditation. As we flow through one round after another, our collective breath and intention will expand far beyond the four walls of the studio. It is the synergy of hard work and intention that leads us closer to the ultimate goal of Yoga – a state of oneness with all that is.